


There is no question that already is some social unrest in China am I am sure you are going to see more going forward because these are peril times economically around the world.

毫無疑問的, 在中國已經有一些的社會動盪發生. 我確信你將會陸續看到更多全球的動盪情勢在目前這個危險時刻

Any part of the chinese economy that deals with the west, specially retail, knows that something is wrong right now. Some parts of the chinese economy and some parts of the indian economy are going to do extremely well going forward. But for the most part you are going to have problems.

任何跟西方世界有關的中國經濟, 特別是零售, 已經察覺到異常的現象發生. 某部份的中國與印度經濟將會繼續良好的發展, 但大部分的經濟將產生問題.

China has huge reserves, they are the largest creditor nation in the world right now. Will that prevent problems? Off course not. They are going to have problems too.

中國擁有巨大的外匯準備, 他們是目前世界最大的債權國. 如此, 會使中國置身於金融風暴外嗎? 當然不會, 他們還是會產生問題

But think about where the money is. The largest creditor nations in the world are China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore. The money is in Asia now.

但想想錢在哪裡? 世界最大的債權國是中國, 日本, 韓國, 台灣, 香港, 新加坡. 錢目前都集中在亞洲.

And through out history the center of things has moved to where the money is. It is pretty simple stuff. This is not ideological, this is the way history has always worked.

經由歷史, 我們知道經濟會往錢集中的地方移動. 這是非常簡單的道理.  無關意識形態, 歷史總是如此運作的.


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