目前分類:投資大師的話 (2)

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資料來源: http://jimrogers-investments.blogspot.com/2009/03/social-unrest-in-china.html


There is no question that already is some social unrest in China am I am sure you are going to see more going forward because these are peril times economically around the world.

毫無疑問的, 在中國已經有一些的社會動盪發生. 我確信你將會陸續看到更多全球的動盪情勢在目前這個危險時刻

annddy 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

資料來源: http://jimrogers-investments.blogspot.com/2009/03/chinas-water-problem.html


What worries me in China, I mean revolution, civil war, famine, none of that worries me.

中國困擾我的問題, 並非革命, 內戰, 飢荒

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